Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lisa Cook
May 20,2006
After their children moved away from home, Mike and Kathy Stephens were feeling very lonely and not need anymore. So, they decided to become CAP volunteers in the placed where they were raised and loved.
They applied and become a volunteer in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. In the house where they lived with other volunteers, they have a $500.00 allotment for a house project. If not used this year the money would be loosed. Then one day a young single mother call a said that she had been in an accident and need a wheelchair ramp built onto her home.
. Kathy prayed about this and was led to bring this before the other volunteers that lived in the house. Everyone decided that this was a worthwhile cause.
Then Kathy made up the proposal went to Kiara, the Volunteer House Manager.
It was approved. Then thing seemed to be coming together so this could be done. Rick, the carpenter, when and got the supplies and took them to Lana’s home. But a few days had passed and Rick had not started on the ramp. Someone made a temporary amp so Lana could go out side for a little while. This made Rick upset and he would not make a permanent ramp. Lana called Kathy and Kathy told her housemates.
Then one Sunday afternoon the housemates when and built the ramp for Lana. This worked out because Mike, Kathy and the other volunteers saw a need and decided to help.
The moral of this story is that with God’s help thing a be accomplished This all happen because Kathy followed her heart and put the need of Lana before anything that the house might have need.
Mike and Kathy very love and caring people and I know that God will bless them in every thing that they do and need. GOD BLESSES YOU BOTH FOR TAKING A YEAR TO BE VOLUNTEERS AND HELP OTHER.


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