Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Essay on Mike and Kathy
Making A Difference
By Tressa Chesnut
I read the story on The Adventures of Building a Wheelchair Ramp By Kathy Stephens. In my own words I would have to say these are very nice people. I think that what Mike and Kathy did was the nicest thing. I don’t know Kathy but I’ve come to know Mike a little at the Center. Everyone at the Center likes Mike to quote a few they say “he’s so laid back and mellow”. I say he is a super cool kinda guy, and in my personal opinion I would think that a women that would put up with any man for that many years would have to be a saint. So Kathy I thank that you would about have to be a Saint.
Mike we will miss you and wish you all the best in everything you do.May God go with you both.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Christina Abney
May18, 2006
As I read the book Making A Difference, the story by Kathy Stephens was astonished to hear how teamwork and the will is so heartwarming. Kathy and her husband Mike worked together as a team to volunteer their lives for a year, in order to be able to help others in need. The couple seemed to have life by the hand. They were settled in their home in Tennessee, both had jobs and their children were out of school and living in other states. What more could anyone want from life.
The will power to do for others, as well as for themselves. Together they have raised a family, and now they are helping families in need. They left home and quit their jobs to move into the volunteer house at the Christian Appalachian Project Center. While living here they have really demonstrated that the old saying (were there is a will, there is a way) is the way.
Kathy and Mike, along with four other ladies from the volunteer house shared a project together that is touching to the heart. As a team, they made it possible for a woman not able to live at her home, begin living there again. Using money from Christian Appalachian Project, hard labor, and the will to do it.
If the world had more people like Kathy and Mike Stephens, it would definitely be a better world to live in. Just knowing that there are people like them makes it a better place anyway.

Shannon Smith
Thursday, May 18, 2006
When I read the story about Mike and Kathy the first thing I thought of was that they are both truly inspirational people. This was a really good story about morals and how it feels to help someone else. I could never imagine being so selfless that I sell my home and move away to help other people. I am glad that there are people in the world like Mike and Kathy. When Lana called after her farm accident needing a ramp built for her wheelchair Kathy new she could help she just had to figure out exactly what she needed to do. Kathy didn’t waste anytime getting started on helping Lana receive the money she needed for the ramp. They kept running into problems and Kathy was beginning to think that they weren’t going to be able to get the ramp built. After Lana and her friend, Rick who was suppose to built the ramp for her, had an argument Kathy had to return to her housemates and see what they could figure out to do. Since Mike had done work in construction before they all decided that they would build the ramp themselves for Lana. That is when everything fell into place and on hot afternoon in September Lana finally got her ramp. She was so happy to have her ramp and be able to leave her house without being carried.

A wheel chair ramp Veronica Blair
May 19, 2006
I read a short story called “building a wheel chair ramp.” My first thought on finishing the story was “God works in mysterious ways”. I believe things happen for a reason it may not be what you want at the time but there is a underlying reason. Kathy took her time on trying to find a project to do that was worth while,and poof she receives a phone call and someone is in need of a ramp to be built . Kathy knows that the project will be breaking the rules ,because the work will not be done by her and her housemates. And POOF the construction worker won’t build the ramp. Kathy knows she is in a fix ,but her roommates come through for her . Together they all pitch in and work on building the ramp ,so breaking the rule for not working together on the project “flies out the window” . Kathy worked hard to make sure the ramp got built ,she worried a lot too about breaking the rules ,But everthing worked out in the end.

Lisa Cook
May 20,2006
After their children moved away from home, Mike and Kathy Stephens were feeling very lonely and not need anymore. So, they decided to become CAP volunteers in the placed where they were raised and loved.
They applied and become a volunteer in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. In the house where they lived with other volunteers, they have a $500.00 allotment for a house project. If not used this year the money would be loosed. Then one day a young single mother call a said that she had been in an accident and need a wheelchair ramp built onto her home.
. Kathy prayed about this and was led to bring this before the other volunteers that lived in the house. Everyone decided that this was a worthwhile cause.
Then Kathy made up the proposal went to Kiara, the Volunteer House Manager.
It was approved. Then thing seemed to be coming together so this could be done. Rick, the carpenter, when and got the supplies and took them to Lana’s home. But a few days had passed and Rick had not started on the ramp. Someone made a temporary amp so Lana could go out side for a little while. This made Rick upset and he would not make a permanent ramp. Lana called Kathy and Kathy told her housemates.
Then one Sunday afternoon the housemates when and built the ramp for Lana. This worked out because Mike, Kathy and the other volunteers saw a need and decided to help.
The moral of this story is that with God’s help thing a be accomplished This all happen because Kathy followed her heart and put the need of Lana before anything that the house might have need.
Mike and Kathy very love and caring people and I know that God will bless them in every thing that they do and need. GOD BLESSES YOU BOTH FOR TAKING A YEAR TO BE VOLUNTEERS AND HELP OTHER.

Diann Mounce
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Language Class
You know when I first came to Cap in Rockcastle county I thought it was a waste of my time and my gas. Since I have been here I have regained some of my math skills. The computer classes have helped. A few of the computer skill I learned before I had forgotten how to do. Those skills are coming back to me. I am one human being the cap has helped. In your book “Making a Difference” I have read about Cap helping a number of unfortunate people. If it hadn’t been for Cap some of these folks could have been in deep trouble. In this world in which we live there aren’t many people who would take the time to help someone in need. (Especially for free and to spare a minute out of their busy day.) It is a blessing to me to see that God’s love still shines in this world.
The story I read, about the wheelchair ramp was an inspiration. Mike and Kathy are fine people coming to Cap and giving a part of themselves. In this day and time you can’t get someone to help you do anything even if you pay them. It encourages me when I see people who still put others first. Isn’t that the way God intended it to be? They had a few sit backs and a little trouble however that did not stop the desire to help Lana. She is one of God’s children and we are supposed to help whenever we can. The story about Becky was a blessing. Where would that child be if someone hadn’t showed a little compassion, she would never have had a chance? I also read about the Moore family and their unfortunate dilemmas. Where might their children have ended up if it weren’t for caring people who were willing to give up some of their selves to help others? There are a few other families around this area who could use the help that Cap can give if families just knew that there is help available.
I really want to thank everyone here a Cap, those I have met and those I haven’t. You are fine people and I pray that God richly blesses you for you time and effort you put in to help someone in need. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Brenda Clark
May 25, 2006
In the world in which we live in today, with all its evil and wicked ways, it feels good to read about someone like Mike and Kathy. I admire people like them, so willing to give of their time and uproot themselves. I’m thankful that we have people who follow what they believe God wants them to do. Most of us are selfish, including myself and think only of what we want.
Kathy was willing to help Lana in every way possible, even though she had a lot of problems, she didn’t give up and “throw in the towel.” Kathy put her trust in the Lord and with the help to the other Cap members, got Lana’s ramp built.
She used the annual budget that each volunteer house receives, to help someone who was desperately in need. Kathy made a difference

May 25, 2006
Sheila D. Turner.
Making a Difference
Mike and Kathy Stephens left Tennessee to return to Kentucky to work as volunteers at CAP, after their children left home. They lived in a volunteer house.
Kathy was trying to think of something to use the left over funds for before they lost it at the end of August. A lady came to her with the need for a ramp to make access to her home easier. Lana (the lady in need of a ramp) had broken both of her legs in a farming accident. Kathy had to check about funding the project. When it was approved, the carpenter quit, with no time to loose as time was running out, Kathy got her colleagues to help and they built the ramp.
I feel that this was a very worthwhile project. It shows that there are some people who still care about their fellow man.
If you can afford to and no one gets hurt in the process you should always follow your heart.
You cannot always rely on other people,but I hope that if I had been in Kathy’s shoes that I would have done much the same thing.
God is always there to lend support and a helping hand in times of need.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Melissa Northern
I was reading the story Making A Difference by Kathy Stephens and I was amazed with her story. Kathy and her husband Mike decided to sale their house, moves, and volunteer for CAP. What a life change. What good-hearted people they are.
Kathy and Mike moved into a volunteer house with other people. The house had to decide on how to spend 500 dollars on a project that everybody agreed upon. A lady by the name of Lana had contacted Kathy and was telling her how she broke her legs and wasn’t able to get in her trailer. Lana needed a ramp to get in her trailer and didn’t have the funds to build one.
Kathy thought that Lana’s ramp would be great way to spend the houses money. When Kathy talked it over with the house members they agreed with her and they purchased the lumber for Lana. Lana already had a carpenter to build the ramps for her, but after they purchased the lumber the carpenter had quit. What a mess they were in now.
Kathy once again talked to the house and her husband and they came up with the ideal that they could build the ramps themselves. Mike had a lot of construction experience and they thought the rest of them witch was four ladies could be his crew.
On a hot summer day they sat out to build some ramps. They all took apart on making the ramps. It was a hard job and the persevered until the job was done. Lana couldn’t be any happier. What good people came to her in a time of need? People that didn’t get paid to work in the hot sun, people who gave their time up to help her, and people who didn’t it from the bottoms of their heart.
You don’t meet people everyday like Mike and Kathy. They are wonderful people. If we had more people like them the world would be a better place.

Friday, October 27, 2006

June 7, 2006
I think Lana was very lucky to find someone to help her. If it had not been for Kathy, Mike, and the volunteers, the ramp would never have gotten built at all. The man that took the job should have built it, but you cannot always count on others to do what they say they will do. I think it was so good of everyone to pitch in and build it for her.

I think Mike and Kathy are very special. I know that they have to be very close to God; how could they not be. It takes someone with a lot of faith to just give up his or her home, jobs, and friends to do Gods work. I would be very scared not having the security that I always knew. If God puts it in your heart to do, go for it. You may never get another chance and the rewards will be many. I feel that wherever Kathy and Mike move to , they know that God is always with them in whatever they do. They have done so much while they were here and will be greatly missed.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

May 25, 2006
Bessie Prickett
Making a Difference
Making a Difference was a story about Mike and Kathy Stephens who sold their home in Tennessee to give a year of their life to do volunteer work at CAP in Rockcastle County.
It all started in August 2006 when we found out that each volunteer house has a budget of $500 to spend yearly to do something for the community. We didn’t have much time left, because the fiscal year would soon be up. If we didn’t use the money we would lose it.
I pray to god to help me find someone to help. Then one day Kathy got this phone call, it was a woman, her name was Lana, she told my wife that she was in a farm accident, and had two broken legs. She was very unhappy. She was staying at a friend house and wanted to go home but she couldn’t get into her house because she was in a wheelchair and she didn’t have a ramp. She said, “Can you help me?” This was the answer to Mike prayer.
Mike didn’t think he could get pull this one off because all members of the house had to agree to it and it supposed too involved the member has a whole. But it didn’t, the only involvement was getting the money.
The proposal was approved. The problems were that we were running out of time. We had to act fast. It turn out that Rick, the carpenter wasn’t going to fix the ramp due to the reasons that Lana had someone else to fixed her a temporary ramp. Rick said, “that that his materials was ruined”, For Lana to get someone else to builted it for her.
I went back and told my house member what happen. We all agree to go to Lana house on a Sunday afternoon. We all showed up and we all help and by the end of the day we had the ramp built. You should have seemed Lana face. She was averring enjoyed with excitement.
The moral of the story is to follow your heart. God will help you to achieve your goals if only you take the time to ask him to help guide in the right direction.